Update on A4 Upper Bristol Road cycling and pedestrian improvements

Illustration of people walking and cycling

New separated cycle lanes that are part of a vision to help more people leave the car at home for short journeys in and around Bath have opened at A4 Upper Bristol Road today (November 25).

New types of bus stops not seen before in the city have also come into use which operate by the cycle lane running between the bus stop and the pavement.

Pedestrians have priority at the bus stops and people using the cycle lane must stop to allow bus passengers to get on or off the bus. A video explaining how the bus stops work can be viewed here

Crossing points for pedestrians have also been improved with new continuous footways introduced along the route.

A continuous footway is a relatively new method of giving people priority over vehicles where side roads join main roads, to improve safety. Kerbs and tactile paving are removed to give the appearance that the pavement continues across the entrance of the side road. There are also ‘give way’ lines to show drivers they have to give way to people crossing.

The new measures are part of Bath & North East Somerset Council’s active travel scheme to make it safer and more convenient to walk, wheel and cycle in this part of the city.

Councillor Sarah Warren, cabinet member for Climate and Sustainable Travel, said:

Councillor Sarah Warren profile photo

The new cycle lanes, bus stops and continuous footways are an integral part of changing the way we travel around the city and will make walking, wheeling or cycling the obvious choice for shorter journeys.

We know it will take people time to familiarise themselves with the new ways of moving around, so I’d encourage everyone to watch our video about how the bus stops work and take extra care while we are all getting used to it. Ultimately, fewer journeys by vehicle will benefit our health in the long term by improving air quality.

Now that this phase of the active travel scheme has been completed we will monitor traffic flow as well as how the new bus stops are being used.

Councillor Sarah Warren Cabinet member for Climate and Sustainable Travel, BANES

Road users are asked to note that the cycle lane section opposite Marlborough Lane is not yet open due to hoarding for a retirement development currently in place in the road.

The council will also notify residents of a date in the new year when some drainage works to resolve minor flooding issues in the new cycle lane will be carried out, which will require a section of the lane to be closed temporarily. These were intended to be carried out as part of the original works, however unexpected underground conditions have required a new design to fix the drainage issues. Should heavy rain fall before these drainage works are carried out, the new cycle lane may need to close temporarily.

The pedestrian refuge island at the Charlotte Street and Monmouth Place junction will also be completed in the new year on dates to be confirmed.

For more information on how to use the new bus stops and continuous footways visit http://www.bathnes.gov.uk/upperbristolroad-works

Continuous footways reinforce rule 170 of the Highway Code which states that drivers should give way to pedestrians crossing when turning into or out of side roads. Together with reducing the speed limit to 20mph, the aim of continuous footways is to improve visibility and safety and reduce the likelihood of accidents.