Holiday Cycle Training - Level 2 (on road skills)

Bikeability level two logo

Life Cycle UK deliver accredited Bikeability cycle training courses to small groups of children during the summer school holidays.

Level 2 training is ideal for children in school years 5-7, who can cycle and control their bike well. You need a roadworthy bike and helmet to take part. Training begins off-road to check skills then quickly moves onto quiet local roads to build skills and confidence.

Level 2 training is being delivered over 2 x 3 hour sessions with twelve riders and two instructors.

When is the event

From: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 – 10:00
Until: Wednesday, April 10, 2024 – 13:00

What to bring

Your child will need a roadworthy bike to use and a helmet to take part. . Please ensure they bring weather-appropriate clothing, we will be riding even if it’s raining. A small drink and snack if allowed. ,


Level 2 courses cost just £22 per child for children in school Years 5, 6 and 7.
If your child is at school outside Bristol the cost is £55 per child

How to book

Visit LifecycleUK to book your place
Link to LifecycleUK